Carlock Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram of Tupelo

Mar 17, 2023
Brakes being repaired

Car maintenance is one of those things drivers wish they didn’t have to think about, but it’s an important part of keeping your vehicle safe and reliable. Brake repair, for example, is the one thing you should never ignore in your Jeep ownership journey. And getting this essential repair done at a Jeep dealer is always your best bet.

Signs Your Jeep Needs New Brakes

The brakes on your Jeep take a serious beating every time you drive, so it’s no surprise that they may need repair at some point. These critical parts have the massive responsibility of stopping a car weighing up to five thousand pounds (payload included), and the pressure can get even higher if you like offroading.

One of the most important things to remember when it comes to brakes is that you should never ignore any strange sounds, so keep an ear out for any grinding, squealing, or squeaking noises when braking. Paying attention to this sign can help you catch brake-related issues before things get out of hand. Other signs include a soft or spongy feeling when pressing down on the brake pedal, vibrations in the steering wheel while braking, and a burning smell when stopping the vehicle.

Benefits of Getting Your Brake Job at a Jeep Dealer

When it comes to brake jobs, it’s always best to take your car to an authorized dealer. That’s how you get access to quality work plus a warranty for eligible work and parts.

It’s also important to remember that it’s not just about the cost of the repair – it’s also about your safety. Working with an experienced and trusted mechanic can help reduce your risk of getting into a serious accident due to faulty brakes.

What Happens During the Repair?

During service, the mechanic will visually inspect the brakes to determine what kind of repair your Jeep needs. Then they’ll run diagnostics tests and replace worn-out parts or fluids to ensure everything runs safely.

The most common types of brake jobs include:

  • Replacing worn-out brake pads
  • Resurfacing or replacing rotors
  • Repairing or replacing brake lines

These services can be completed at an authorized dealer in less than a day.

Brakes are one of the most critical components of your car, so you must get any repair done by a trusted mechanic. And when it comes to Jeep repairs, there is no better place than an authorized dealer. Contact Carlock Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram of Tupelo today to take care of your car maintenance needs. Not only will you be keeping yourself safe on the road, but you’ll also be ensuring that your vehicle runs at its best for many years.